
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Scott MartinWriter:
Scott Martin

Friday Sep 21, 2018
Lose Weight with AYDS
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Comedian Dan Grueter joins me on this episode of the Remasculate podcast. We recorded it in my room on the ship. His room was too dirty.. (kidding )
Anyone remember AYDS diet candy?? We do and we discuss bad product names.
We talk about comedy, comics today, comics of the past and what makes funny FUNNY.
Dan tells me he's always wanted to film a holiday tv special. I think I agree with him.. It'd be great!
Thanks for listening!!

Saturday Aug 25, 2018
#WALKAWAY or Don't...
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
A Nice Long Chat with comedian Collin Moulton.

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Just Put It In Your Mouth!! A chat with comedian Paul Ogata
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Today's guest is comedian Paul Ogata.. We recorded this on the ship with my iPhone
In 2007, Paul Ogata swept to victory in the prestigious San Francisco International Comedy Competition. In doing so, he joined the exclusive club of comedy greats such as Dana Carvey, Sinbad, Doug Stanhope and Jake Johannsen.
Paul's animated stream-of-consciousness style has been called "Astoundingly Funny" by TimeOut magazine, while the Pacific Daily Newssays that Paul "makes you think while making you laugh."
Paul headlines shows around the globe from Hong Kong to Hollywood, from Tokyo to Times Square. In between, he finds time to make television appearances on programs such as Comedy Central's Live at Gotham, Showtime's Pacific Rim Comedy, CBS's The Late Late Show, Comics Unleashedand many others.
Paul also co-starred with Ron Jeremy in the movie "Porndogs: The Adventures of Sadie". Porndogs played the festival circuit in 2010, picking up several awards along the way, making Paul Ogata the only award-winning comedian/pornstar you'll likely see!
Here's what people are saying about Paul Ogata:
"Paul Ogata kills!" — LiveComedyLA
"This crazy dude is well worth seeing!" — Monterey County Weekly
"Irrepressible... never short of laughs" — Honolulu Advertiser
"His cherubic grin belies a wickedly funny streak" — South China Morning Post

Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Naked and Afraid!
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Recorded Live at the Loony Bin Comedy Club after the show! It's the very first podcast I've recorded LIVE in front of an audience.. it was fun, there's somethings I've got to do, like either mic the audience of stop asking them questions!
My guest are the fun comics I was working with last week. Carter Bryant and Jason Cheny We had a blast! Hope you do too!! Leave us a good review on iTunes!

Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Who Ran Naked Thru the Concert??
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
My guest this week is comedian Brain Stephens. He's from Oklahoma City. He and I are working together in Wichita and I thought he'd be great for the podcast. I think you'll enjoy this one. It's a little bit of everything.

Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
2018 Let's REMASCULATE again!! America NEEDS it!!
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
2018 Let's REMASCULATE again!! America NEEDS it!! recorded from my phone in my car!

Friday Nov 24, 2017
Is That Donald Trump???
Friday Nov 24, 2017
Friday Nov 24, 2017
A New Remasculate podcast with guest SIMEON. Simeon is a very funny guy and host of the Comedy Club on the ship Harmony of the Seas. I've had a grreat time working and getting to know this guy and I think you will too. And he does the BEST Trump impressionever! Check out this impression of The Snowman..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_lAHWK3O0U

Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Terrence Williams Says YOU NEED TO GO TO BED!
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Today's guest is Terrence Williams. Terrence is the internet sensation who has blown up on Facebook and Twitter! He eats fried chicken and tells the truth!
Terrence Williams was born and raised in Oklahoma City where he spent the first 15 years of his life in Foster Care. He comes from a background of absent parents and a child of the system. While searching for his true calling, his frustration with the current state of our country led him to post videos of himself expressing his feelings with a mix of humor on social media about trending topics and controversies. One day , he decided to push the “public” button and the next day his normal 2 views turned into over 32million. Terrence has since come to realize his voice can be heard. This young man is finding his calling and his passion for inner city kids. He wants to share his story with the many that fall victim of the system, to teach and inspire kids they are more than their circumstances.

Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Travis Turpin: Singer, Comic, Good American!!
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Today's guest is my pal, Travis Turpin. Travis an ENTERTAINER! He's a singer, comic, actor, and he's a good American!
Thanks for listening. We do appreciate you! Share us with your friends. Let's make this podcast grow!! Please go to iTunes, Stitchers, Spreaker and rate and review our show! Give us a 10 and moves us up the ratings!!If you LOVE the podcast feel free to DONATE. Hit the donate button on this page and give whatever you can. Help keep this podcast on the internet.ÂLeave a VOICE MAIL on Google voice (516) 468-3626 Leave us a comment or a question and maybe we will play it on the air!!Also hit us up on Twitter @remasculate or @stevemcgrewYou can email me at McGrew@msn.com